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To ensure optimal learning and progression, students are required to attend classes regularly and punctually. This policy outlines the guidelines for attendance, punctuality, and communication in case of absence.
1. Regular Attendance:
For students to make satisfactory progress, regular attendance is essential. This includes being on time for every class. Consistent attendance contributes to a positive learning environment and enhances the overall dance experience.
2. Punctuality:
Dancers are expected to arrive approximately 10 minutes early before the scheduled class time. This extra time allows for preparation, restroom use, and other necessary activities. If a dancer anticipates being more than 10 minutes late, it is mandatory to notify the office in advance.
3. Late Arrival Notification:
If a dancer knows in advance that they will be more than 10 minutes late for a class, they must call the office to inform the staff of their expected arrival time. Timely communication ensures that instructors can plan accordingly and minimize disruptions to the class.
4. Absence Notification:
All absences, whether planned or unplanned, must be communicated to the office promptly. Notification can be made via phone call, email, or by sending a message to one of our studio's official social media accounts. This ensures that the studio is aware of the absence and can make any necessary adjustments.
5. Methods of Notification:
Phone Call: Call the studio office and speak with a staff member.
Email: Send an email to the designated studio email address.
Social Media: Message one of our official studio social media accounts.
6. Timely Communication:
It is crucial to notify the office as soon as possible when an absence is anticipated. In the case of unforeseen circumstances, communicate the absence at the earliest opportunity.
7. Makeup Classes:
Makeup classes may be available for missed sessions, subject to studio policies. Please inquire with the office for information on scheduling makeup classes.
8. Compliance:
Adherence to this attendance policy is vital for the success of each dancer and the overall functioning of the studio. Non-compliance may result in the consequences outlined in the studio's broader policies.
This attendance policy is subject to periodic review and may be updated as needed. Any changes will be communicated to all families promptly.
Dress Code:
Proper attire is crucial for the safety, comfort, and overall experience of dancers in our studio. This policy outlines the dress code requirements for each class and provides guidelines for both girls and boys. Teachers may request dancers to observe class if not adequately prepared, and for safety reasons, no jewelry is permitted during any dance class.
1. General Dress Code: All dancers are required to adhere to the dress code for each class. Failure to do so may result in the teacher requesting the dancer to sit out and observe the class.
2. Girls' Attire:
Hair should be pulled back into a neat bun, ponytail, or braids.
A black leotard, black shorts, and pink or flesh-colored tights are acceptable forms of attire.
3. Boys' Attire:
All male dancers must wear a white or black t-shirt/tank top.
Black sweatpants or shorts are the preferred lower garment.
4. Footwear:
All dancers must bring and wear their ballet shoes and tap shoes to every class.
5. Jewelry Restrictions:
For safety reasons, no jewelry is permitted during any dance class. This includes necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, or any other accessories that may pose a risk to the dancer or others.
6. Hip Hop Attire:
Girls and boys participating in Hip Hop classes should wear comfortable clothing suitable for movement.
Sneakers are required, and they should either be clean or have a separate pair designated for dancing to protect our dance floor.
7. Compliance: Adherence to the dress code is essential for the smooth functioning of classes and the safety of all participants. Teachers reserve the right to enforce these guidelines for the benefit of the dancers and the overall dance environment.
8. Note: This dress code policy is subject to periodic review and may be updated as needed. Any changes will be communicated to all families promptly. Parents and guardians are encouraged to ensure that their dancers are adequately prepared for each class by following the specified dress code.
Dance Studio Etiquette and Behavior Policy
1. Food and Beverage Policy:
There is NO FOOD permitted in the dance room.
Water is the only permitted beverage allowed in the dance room.
No gum chewing is allowed in class.
2. Entry and Exit Protocol:
Do not enter the dance room without the teacher's permission; this includes adults.
Dancers may use the bathroom before or after class. No dancer is permitted to leave in the middle of class unless it is an emergency.
3. Studio Equipment and Props:
Students should not touch the mirrors.
Students should not touch the barres, props, or Acro equipment unless specifically instructed to do so.
Dancers should bring their dance bags with them at the beginning of each class.
4. Cell Phone Policy:
Cell phones should remain in the dancers' dance bag at all times while in class.
Distraction in all forms inhibits the dancer from fully participating in class.
If you must get in touch with your dancer, contact the studio office.
Cell phones can be checked in between classes.
In case of an emergency or issue, the dancer must inform the teacher and/or office.
5. Compliance and Consequences: Adherence to these studio policies is essential for maintaining a focused and respectful learning environment. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in appropriate consequences, including but not limited to verbal warnings, temporary suspension from class, or other measures deemed necessary by the studio staff.
6. Note: This etiquette and behavior policy is subject to periodic review and may be updated as needed. Any changes will be communicated to all families promptly. It is the responsibility of dancers, parents, and guardians to familiarize themselves with and adhere to these guidelines to ensure a positive and productive dance experience.
Public Lobby Usage and Cleanliness Policy
1. Purpose of the Public Lobby: The Public Lobby, situated outside our studio door, is designated for families to wait for their dancers during lessons. It is intended for a comfortable waiting area and is not to be used as a game/playroom.
2. Food and Drink Regulations:
The Public Lobby should never be used as a game/playroom.
Any food or drink items brought into the Public Lobby should be taken out and disposed of properly when departing.
3. Lost and Unclaimed Items:
Items left behind in the Public Lobby will be stored in the office area.
Any unclaimed items will be discarded or donated at the end of each month.
4. Security and Liability:
JFDC is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items brought into the Public Lobby or studio space.
5. Cleanliness Expectations:
We encourage dancers and their parents to clean up after themselves.
Please leave the Public Lobby and our studio space cleaner than it was found.
6. Responsibility for Public Lobby:
The Public Lobby is considered a shared space, and its cleanliness and maintenance are the responsibility of the individuals using it.
We ask that dancers and their parents take ownership of the Public Lobby and maintain its cleanliness.
7. Notice of Item Disposal:
Items left unattended in the Public Lobby are subject to disposal or donation.
8. Compliance: Adherence to this policy is essential for fostering a welcoming and organized environment. Failure to comply may result in reminders from staff or, in extreme cases, restricted access to the Public Lobby.
9. Note: This Public Lobby Usage and Cleanliness Policy is subject to periodic review and may be updated as needed. Any changes will be communicated to all families promptly. We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a clean and enjoyable space for everyone.
Photography and Videography Policy
1. General Policy: There should be no photos or videos taken inside the dance studio unless a teacher explicitly says it is OK to do so. This includes pictures and videos of your dancer.
2. Media Usage:
We may use photos of your dancer on our social media platforms and/or for advertisements.
If you would not like your dancer featured on any media mentioned above, please inform the office.
3. Enforcement for Safety and Well-being:
Our picture and video policy are strictly enforced for the safety and well-being of our students.
Unauthorized photography or videography can compromise the privacy and security of our dancers.
4. Permission Protocol:
Only take photos or videos when explicitly permitted by the teacher.
Seek approval from the teacher before capturing any content, whether it involves your dancer or others.
5. Social Media and Advertisements:
Understand that photos taken within the dance studio may be used on our social media platforms and for promotional purposes.
If you have concerns about your dancer's inclusion in such media, please communicate your preferences to the office.
6. Compliance: Adherence to this policy is essential to maintain a secure and respectful environment for all students. Violation of this policy may result in appropriate consequences as determined by the studio staff.
7. Note: This Photography and Videography Policy are subject to periodic review and may be updated as needed. Any changes will be communicated to all families in a timely manner. Your understanding and cooperation in adhering to these guidelines contribute to the safety and positive experience of all dancers within our studio.
Behavior and Conduct Policy
1. General Conduct: Horseplay, foul language, disrespect, defiance, or disruptive behavior of any kind will not be tolerated inside JFDC.
2. Teacher Authority:
Teachers reserve the right to drop or remove any student(s) from class if the behavior policy is not followed or abided by.
Teachers have the authority to enforce a positive and respectful learning environment.
3. Zero Tolerance for Bullying:
JFDC has zero tolerance for any form of bullying.
Students and their families are expected to adhere to a standard of conduct that promotes a safe and inclusive atmosphere.
4. Sportsmanship and Respect:
Students and their families will not tolerate poor sportsmanship, bragging, teasing, or harassment of any kind.
Respectful behavior towards peers, teachers, and staff is a fundamental expectation.
5. Parental Notification:
Parents will be immediately notified of any unacceptable behavior exhibited by their child.
Open and transparent communication between the studio and parents is crucial in addressing behavioral concerns.
6. Consequences and Dismissal:
Continued violation of the behavior policy may result in permanent dismissal from JFDC.
The severity of consequences will be determined based on the nature and frequency of the behavioral issues.
7. Compliance: Adherence to this behavior and conduct policy is essential for maintaining a positive and constructive learning environment. All students and their families are expected to respect and follow these guidelines.
8. Note: This Behavior and Conduct Policy are subject to periodic review and may be updated as needed. Any changes will be communicated to all families in a timely manner. Your cooperation in upholding a standard of behavior conducive to a positive dance experience is appreciated.
Enrollment and Class Schedule Policy
1. Enrollment Process:
Enrollment at JFDC is based on a first-come, first-serve basis.
A minimum of five students is required per class for the class to proceed.
2. Class Schedule:
The class schedule is subject to change.
JFDC reserves the right to cancel or combine classes at any time.
3. Public School System Alignment:
JFDC follows the Public School System for holidays, vacations, and inclement weather.
4. Communication Channels:
For any inquiries or clarifications, please call the studio or send an email to our designated contact.
Stay informed through our continuously updated social media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms.
5. Cancellation and Makeup Classes:
In the event of class cancellations due to weather or holidays, makeup classes may be scheduled.
Announcements regarding cancellations and makeup classes will be communicated through the studio's social media accounts and other communication channels.
6. Compliance: Understanding and cooperation with this enrollment and class schedule policy are crucial for effective communication and planning.
7. Note: This policy is subject to periodic review and may be updated as needed. Any changes will be communicated to all families promptly. We appreciate your attention to these guidelines, and we encourage you to stay connected through our various communication channels for the latest updates and announcements.
Health & Insurance Policy:
Parental Responsibility:
As a parent, you are the best judge of your child's health.
We kindly request that you refrain from bringing your child to dance if they are unwell.
This policy is in place to safeguard the well-being of other dancers and our staff.
Fever and Symptom-Free Requirements:
Dancers must be free of fever or symptoms for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to dance activities.
Insurance Policy:
No Medical Insurance Provided:
JFDC does not provide medical insurance coverage for its students.
Mandatory Family Insurance Coverage:
It is a requirement that all dance students maintain coverage under their family insurance policy.
Reimbursement Clarification:
In the event of an injury, it is explicitly understood that the student's family insurance policy is the sole source of reimbursement for any medical expenses incurred.
Costumes, Tuition & Registration
Ordering Process:
All dance costumes are ordered exclusively between December and January.
Costume selections are made through costume catalogs.
Measurement Basis:
The exact measurements of your child will determine the appropriate costume size.
Deposit and Payment Schedule:
A 50% deposit for all costumes is due in January.
The remaining 50% balance must be paid in April.
Costume deposits not paid for by the specified deadline will not be ordered. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
No Refunds:
There are no refunds on ordered dance costumes.
There are no refunds for any fees paid for any reason.
Size Changes and Fees:
If your dancer has outgrown their costume size, a fee may be charged to cover express shipping and handling charges for obtaining a new costume.
Payment Method:
All balances will be processed using the card on file on the specified due date unless otherwise specified.
Tuition Policy:
Consistent Tuition:
Tuition remains the same for the entire school year (September-June).
No Discounts for Missed Classes:
No discounts will be given for missed classes due to vacations, sickness, or personal breaks.
Tuition remains the same for both the 3- and 5-week months.
Payment Due Date and Late Charges:
Tuition is due on the 1st of every month.
A $25 late charge will be incurred for unpaid tuition by the 10th of the month.
A $50 late charge will be incurred for unpaid tuition by the 25th of the month.
Recital Balances:
All balances must be paid in full by Recital.
Dancers with outstanding balances at this time will not be permitted to perform in the annual recital.
Card Decline Fee:
If a card is declined for any reason, a $25 fee will be applied to cover bank fees.
Registration Fee:
Non-Refundable Registration Fee:
An annual non-refundable registration fee of $25.00 per student or $40.00 per family is required at the time of registration.
Registration fees are non-refundable.
Rectal & Competition Policy
1. Participation in Annual Recital:
a. All students enrolled at JFDC are required to actively participate in the Annual Recital.
b. Recital Classes take precedence at JFDC. For dancers in the Competitive Program, participation in both the recital classes and competitions is mandatory. In case of any issues, resolution will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
2. Mandatory Dress Rehearsals:
a. Participation in dress rehearsals is compulsory for every dancer.
b. No exceptions will be allowed. Failure to attend the dress rehearsal may result in the dancer being excluded from the recital performance.
3. Dress Rehearsal Requirements:
a. Dancers must be in FULL costumes, inclusive of hair, makeup, and accessories unless explicitly specified otherwise.
4. Recital Details:
a. The Annual Recital is scheduled to take place at the end of June.
b. Tickets for the recital will be available for purchase starting in May.
General Guidelines for Awareness:
It is crucial for all students, as well as their parents or guardians, to familiarize themselves with these guidelines.
Clear communication of specific details regarding costumes, makeup requirements, and any potential exceptions to the dress rehearsal rule is essential to avoid misunderstandings.
This policy is in place to ensure a coordinated and successful participation experience for all dancers at JFDC. Any concerns or inquiries regarding the policy will be addressed by JFDC administration.
Non-Refundable Policy:
Scope of Non-Refundable Items:
Tuition, registration fees, costume payments, competition fees, recital fees, recital tickets, and other studio fees are non-refundable.
Forms of Payment:
Accepted Payment Methods:
Checks, cash, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover are acceptable forms of payment.
Automatic Debit Program:
Every family enrolled at JFDC has the option to pay tuition through our automatic debit program.
This system minimizes confusion, avoids late fees, and provides complete ease to our dancing families.
Card on File:
A credit card or debit card number may be left on file for convenient processing.
Automatic Debit Schedule:
Accounts will be automatically charged on the first of every month or on a date chosen at the time of registration.
Invoicing for Other Fees:
All other fees, excluding tuition, will be invoiced separately.
Card on File Processing:
All balances, including tuition and applicable fees, will be processed using the card on file unless an alternative arrangement is specified by the payer.
Communication Policy:
Preferred Contact Method:
For documentation purposes, all absences, questions, conflicts, and concerns should be emailed directly to
Restrictions on Personal Communication:
Please refrain from contacting teachers or staff through personal text, personal Facebook, Instagram, or other social media platforms as methods of communication.
Official Studio Channels:
You may use the Studio's official Facebook and/or Instagram accounts to communicate with the studio and/or teachers directly.
Email Response Time:
We commit to responding to all emails promptly.
Communication Hours:
Please respect that we will not answer texts, phone calls, messages, or emails after 9 pm.
Weekend Communication:
Emails or messages received over the weekend will not be answered until Monday.
By adhering to these communication guidelines, we ensure effective and organized communication while respecting the personal space and time of our staff.
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